Zewnętrzny dodatkowy zbiornik do Pompy Vacuum LABA7 (3 litry)


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  • Cena netto: 1 788,62 zł 2 706,00 zł 2 200,00 zł
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Andreani pump, vacum, vacuum, pompa próżniowa, pompa podciśnieniowa, ohlins, rock shox, fox, pompa do damperów


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W innym ogłoszeniu dostępna pompa LABA 7 PRO



Fully automatic shock vacuum bleed pump

Refilling oil for shocks has never been easier. Connect, press the button, and the LABA7 vacuum bleed pump will do the rest.


Forget air bubbles. Perfect oil refill every time

We developed three vacuum bleeder pump models that easily service any shock. LABA7 vacuum bleed pumps are easy to use, efficient, and save you time. Modern components and exceptional build quality ensure no air is present while servicing anything from the tiniest MTB to the largest off-road shocks.

They share essential features to ensure high vacuum density and quality oil fill but are designed for different use cases. Contact us and the LABA7 team will help you choose the pump that is the best for your business.


hy shock vacuum pump is necessary?

To optimize the performance of a damper, it is essential to minimize the amount of gas present in the oil chamber. This is where our vacuum bleed pumps come into play. It extracts air through a bleed port and then automatically switches to pressure filling. The shock is cycled during this process to ensure there are no trapped bubbles in the system.

Fluids are considered incompressible but that is a theory. In practice, a new bottle of suspension oil can contain approximately 10% gas dissolved in the liquid. The vacuum pump plays a crucial role in reducing this gas content to a minimum during the vacuum and filling process.

LABA7 vacuum bleed pump facing left with reflection

Automatic vs Manual vacuum bleed pump

Some of the suspension parts, like bladders or cartridges, are very sensitive to vacuum. Being able to adjust the pressure of the vacuum, enables you to bleed them with lower and safer vacuum levels. That is not possible when using a manual device.